Thursday, November 8, 2007

100,000 protesters aren’t news. Anna Nicole is

Who is protecting your right to know? Certainly not the FCC.
When In 1995, the commission (FCC), ruled that Rupert Murdoch's ownership of Fox was in the public's best interests, it had to be kidding. The results, however, are no joke.
What it brought us was ‘reality-tv,’ in spades, ‘news’ networks dedicated to promoting the conservative agenda, and Anna Nicole Smith 24-hours-a-day, for months.
Bill Moyers reports “Why wasn't it news last weekend when more than 100,000 people turned out in 11 cities across the country to protest the occupation of Iraq? Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Orlando, Salt Lake City, New Orleans, Jonesborough, Tennessee. But if you blinked while watching the national news, you wouldn't have known it was a story. We found less than two minutes of scattered mentions on television.”

I wonder why?