Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Surprise CNN: Ya' done good!

It's so funny. Despite a reasonable effort to promote what it thought was a valuable program, CNN had no idea it had discovered a gold mine. I am speaking about the recent broadcast of 'Black in America.' More, later, on the content.

My take, is that with the real prospect of Barack Obama being elected president, the station figured it ought to introduce White America to how Black folks survive this madness. Execs gave Soledad O'Brien the go ahead.

At the conclusion of the broadcast, I don't know who noticed that the station promised panel discussions with reactions for its Morning Show broadcast–at 6 a.m. the next day. FRIDAY MORNING AT 6 A.M. FOR REVIEW OF YOUR LANDMARK BROADCAST? WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO WATCH? Talk about your lip service.

Imagine the overwhelming surprise when CNN was bombarded with response from every nook and cranny. At least, programming execs had the good sense to reshuffle the lineup to re-broadcast the shows several times during the following weekend. Kudos.

Now, for content. Although well-intended, I don't think this program was aimed at American Blacks. Even though, we are the ones who responded. We know what our problems are. The segment on men was significantly better than the first.

The landslide response points out just how starved Blacks are for some network news indication that we exist. Are you listening ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX.......?