Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Send in the White woman, with lies

Nothing changes in America but the date.

In the 1800's those needing a reason to lynch a black man, claimed he looked, smiled, winked or somehow otherwise compromised the honor of a White woman. The late 1900s the only way to bring down the uppity boxer Jack Johnson was to convict him of transporting an 'innocent' White woman across state lines for..uh, you know.

The 70s. 'Alright, if we have to follow the rules set forth under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, let's use it to bring White Women in superior numbers and positions to the required blacks.

Today, there's Sarah Palin. Ingenious. What else could possibly stop the steamroller drive for the U.S. presidency shepherded by that 'uppity' Barack Obama? You guessed it--a White woman.

I needed no more than to hear that she was a card-carrying member of the NRA to turn me off. But.I am surprised and disappointed that seemingly significant numbers of women in this country are not appalled at the Republican strategy. The nomination is an insult.

It's tantamount to saying, just give them someone who looks like them, and they will vote for her. I can't believe American women are that shallow.

Palin has already been caught with her panties down in several lies. She actively campaigns against a woman's right to choose. In Alaska, there's evidence she did away with the old boy's network to start an old girls version. We won't even discuss the nonsense with the 'Nowhere Bridge."

This is who you want to elect a hearbeat away from leading the most powerful country on Earth? She only has one credential. She's a White woman.

Nothing changes in America but the date.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Surprise CNN: Ya' done good!

It's so funny. Despite a reasonable effort to promote what it thought was a valuable program, CNN had no idea it had discovered a gold mine. I am speaking about the recent broadcast of 'Black in America.' More, later, on the content.

My take, is that with the real prospect of Barack Obama being elected president, the station figured it ought to introduce White America to how Black folks survive this madness. Execs gave Soledad O'Brien the go ahead.

At the conclusion of the broadcast, I don't know who noticed that the station promised panel discussions with reactions for its Morning Show broadcast–at 6 a.m. the next day. FRIDAY MORNING AT 6 A.M. FOR REVIEW OF YOUR LANDMARK BROADCAST? WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO WATCH? Talk about your lip service.

Imagine the overwhelming surprise when CNN was bombarded with response from every nook and cranny. At least, programming execs had the good sense to reshuffle the lineup to re-broadcast the shows several times during the following weekend. Kudos.

Now, for content. Although well-intended, I don't think this program was aimed at American Blacks. Even though, we are the ones who responded. We know what our problems are. The segment on men was significantly better than the first.

The landslide response points out just how starved Blacks are for some network news indication that we exist. Are you listening ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX.......?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Will the real Barack stand up?

Headline sounds like an attack. It isn't. Merely, recognition.

Senator Obama has locked up the Democratic Party nomination for president by sounding more like statesman than politician. His vision for the possibilities of America are intriguing and refreshing. For that he has my vote.

But politics is dirty business with a rule book all it's own. Everything is 'Deal or No Deal' and who has what information about the other. I have already accepted that in order to win, Obama is going to have to compromise. He's going to have to agree to a lot of things he disagrees with. OK. Understood!

The question is just how far will he go to win? Winning, too, has a life of it's own. I can't imagine the pressure he's under to maintain his stated vision, while keeping his election hopes alive.

I have no answers. Hopefully, he will–publicly–remain statesman enough to keep my vote.
Good luck, sir!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Sad Bell ruling rings of injustice

My most fascinating romantic relationship was with a woman who had a driving need to be dominated. Psychologically, it related somehow to her father. For me, it was the most intense acting I've ever done. I played the role to the hilt. And, I enjoyed it.

From the moment we added 'the role play.' I realized that I could never be wrong--and she could never be right. It was awkward, only at first. Then I adopted and adapted it to our every interaction. She was in heaven. I eventually succumbed to my natural yearning for a partner rather than a slave.

Interestingly, the reason for this public confession is to make a point about race relations in America. Under no circumstances can Blacks or African-Americans win at the game of United States society. The game is permanently rigged. It is fixed.

Are you listening, Mr. Obama?

Paraphrasing my previous example, Blacks can never be right. We might win small victories, but justice, fairness and a level-playing field will always elude us here–good intentions, aside.

One need only look at the recent ruling in the Sean Bell case to prove my point. An innocent man celebrating his bachelor party is gunned down in the street by New York City Police with more than 50 shots. The cops were never threatened, regardless of their mistaken misgivings.

Yet, not one of the involved officers was convicted of anything.

Why? The case was lost in the venue. It was to be decided by one judge, no jury. Fair trial? Come on!

All spin aside, what judge, with any career aspirations, would or could convict and sentence cops?

And, to this day, White folks don't understand the OJ Simpson celebrations.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Wash

I have been standing at the laundromat, quarters in hand waiting for it. And, now it begins. It all comes out in the wash.
Geraldine Ferraro, former New York congresswoman, former vice presidential candidate, and a staunch Hilary Clinton supporter, has played the race card. Apparently, however, she's playing the same old, tired game.

"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept. she teold the Dailiy Breeze of Torrance, California.

There is something about a black man competing on equal, even superior footing that brings out the best in learned whites. Ferraro is not the only one who actually believes that being of color in this still racist country, is an advantage.

This is the same argument, threatened old-boy whites used to defeat any chance of a level playing field offered by Affirmative Action. They are the human resource executives who made sure that the majority of legislated equal opportunity gains went directly to white women. Sure, a few blacks got the scraps. It was, after all, unavoidable.

These are the same people, like Fuzzy Zoeler, who cringe at how much better than anyone Tiger Woods is at 'their' game.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Old racism, new words, O' Reilly

Every time it happens, we merely shake our heads. 'Knew it.' No matter the after-apologies, the claims of innocent misspeak, those of us who are targets of American racism know what's up.

This is not the first time Bill O'racist Reilly, let his mouth express his insides. He was recently so surprised that--at soul food restaurants--Black folks acted like human beings he couldn't contain himself. Blurted out his ignorance over nationwide TV.

Not a year later, here we go, again. O'Reilly said, " And I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels. If that's how she really feels -- that America is a bad country or a flawed nation, whatever -- then that's legit. We'll track it down,"

Let's be clear. These words were chosen specifically. Broadcast news copy--especially copy with an established point of view--is painstakingly reviewed, edited and gone over and over with a fine tooth comb. The express reason? No mistakes or misunderstandings possible. He intentionally used those words, intentionally referring to Michelle Obama. No question.

O'reilly reminds me of the popular scorpion joke; the one where he stings his transporter and himself, merely because it's what a scorpion does. He can't help himself. It is who Bill O'reilly is. A racist.

The one question is how many times does he get away with it before we call "a spade a spade (sic)."

By the way, Bill, even staunch patriots can admit that America is a flawed nation.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Barack Appeal: 'The People'

Government for the people, of the people and by the people. It's not a new message. But it's the reason upstart Barack Obama is making so much noise across the country in his drive to be president of the United States.

Admittedly, I am surprised by the success of the campaign. Those most surprised and dismayed are the political experts, the anointed, the old boys who think it is their born right to govern. People like George W. can't understand the call for change.

America local is tired of entitlements, special interests, unequal justice, political favors, porkbelly amendments, and smoke-filled room agendas. These are the elements that now has our children dying in an unjust, neocon-driven war .

Nowhere in the constitution does it indicate that government should favor big business and the poobahs who can pay for it. Yet, ,for years, the machine they call Washington politics has been running rampant, playing insider favorite, trampling rights, skirting real issues simply because that's the way things have been done.

We the people want democracy--and government that protects us--all of us. That, primarily, is what government is formed to do. Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative be damned. People are committing in greater numbers to the idea of real democracy; the kind that works for all citizens--be they victims of Katrina, or the under represented.

The success of the Obama candidacy is shouting that U.S. government is out of line with what the people expect and want. It does not work. Moreover, the passion for correcting the existing institution has folks genuinely believing that change is possible.

Realistically, I don't know. I am that suspicious of power brokers and what they will do to keep power. But the message, by now, should be clear. "Change it."

Thanks to Obama, we may actually witness the first bloodless revolution in history. And, I'll vote for that.