Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Send in the White woman, with lies

Nothing changes in America but the date.

In the 1800's those needing a reason to lynch a black man, claimed he looked, smiled, winked or somehow otherwise compromised the honor of a White woman. The late 1900s the only way to bring down the uppity boxer Jack Johnson was to convict him of transporting an 'innocent' White woman across state lines for..uh, you know.

The 70s. 'Alright, if we have to follow the rules set forth under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, let's use it to bring White Women in superior numbers and positions to the required blacks.

Today, there's Sarah Palin. Ingenious. What else could possibly stop the steamroller drive for the U.S. presidency shepherded by that 'uppity' Barack Obama? You guessed it--a White woman.

I needed no more than to hear that she was a card-carrying member of the NRA to turn me off. But.I am surprised and disappointed that seemingly significant numbers of women in this country are not appalled at the Republican strategy. The nomination is an insult.

It's tantamount to saying, just give them someone who looks like them, and they will vote for her. I can't believe American women are that shallow.

Palin has already been caught with her panties down in several lies. She actively campaigns against a woman's right to choose. In Alaska, there's evidence she did away with the old boy's network to start an old girls version. We won't even discuss the nonsense with the 'Nowhere Bridge."

This is who you want to elect a hearbeat away from leading the most powerful country on Earth? She only has one credential. She's a White woman.

Nothing changes in America but the date.

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